Thank you

Thanks @jean for the nifty swag.

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After 15 years of tooting, I decided it was best to deactivate my Twitter accounts. So long and thanks for all the fish.

Which means I’ll likely be microgging here more. I tiptoed through Mastodon a couple of years ago but it wasn’t inviting.

Lunar eclipse

With iOS 16, it seems like if I so much as breathe while using Apple’s Books app it sets a bookmark. It’s impossible to scroll without setting unintended bookmarks. #frustrating

Got a weird notification on my Apple Watch just now. I scrolled up through it and it was something about Bieber video. Looked liked a phishing spam text message. It just kept repeating as I scrolled. Switched to my phone to figure it out and there was no text message on my phone. Was it an email? No. A phone message? No? Google Voice? No. Check back on the watch and there is nothing there. Did I imagine it? Hacked? What is going on?

Fire coral (Millepora sp.), Belize, 2005

Urfer Park

Benevon Model of Sustainable Fundraising

Learned about the Benevon Model of sustainable fundraising. What other similar frameworks are out there for cultivating long term supporters for nonprofits? FOUR PHASES OF THE BENEVON MODEL The point of entry Follow up and involve Ask for money Introducing others

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Manky Mallow

Some kind of mallow. Fast growing, invasive plant appearing along the Ken Thompson Park boardwalk. Probably #exotic. Seems to be seeding from a large patch by the playground. Spreading out into the #mangroves. #invasive #Sarasota 🌸🌱

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Ambient Enhancement to Audiobooks

I found a way to add enhanced ambience to my audiobook experience. The app myNoise is a noise generator with dozens of environmental and synthetic sounds. A series of sliders can be tweaked manually or set to cycle the ten parameters of each noise. It’s proscribed use it to mask outside sounds but I’ve found it can also make audiobooks more atmospheric and enjoyable. A toggle will mix it’s sound with other apps.

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